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Contractions in English Exercises


Contractions in English Exercises: Tips for Improving Your Writing

Contractions are a common feature of spoken English, but they can be tricky to use in writing. If you`re not careful, they can make your writing seem too informal or even lazy. On the other hand, if you use them correctly, they can make your writing sound more natural and engaging. In this article, we`ll look at some exercises you can do to improve your use of contractions in written English.

What are contractions?

Contractions are shortened forms of words that are created by combining two words into one. For example, “it is” becomes “it`s,” “they are” becomes “they`re,” and “she will” becomes “she`ll.” Contractions are used in spoken English to make sentences shorter and more conversational.

Why use contractions in writing?

In formal writing, such as academic papers or business correspondence, contractions are generally avoided because they can make your writing seem too casual or unprofessional. However, in other types of writing, such as blog posts, articles, or personal emails, contractions can help make your writing sound more natural and engaging.

Exercises for improving your use of contractions

1. Listen to spoken English

One of the best ways to improve your use of contractions is to listen to how native speakers use them in conversation. Pay attention to the different contractions people use and how they use them in different contexts. You can also watch TV shows or movies to get a sense of how contractions are used in more formal settings.

2. Practice using contractions in your writing

The more you practice using contractions in your writing, the more comfortable you`ll become with them. Start by writing a paragraph or two using no contractions at all, then go back and rewrite it using contractions. This will help you get a sense of how contractions can change the tone of your writing.

3. Get feedback on your writing

Ask a friend or colleague to review your writing and give you feedback on how you`re using contractions. They may be able to point out areas where you`re using them too much or not enough.

4. Use a grammar checker

Many grammar checkers, such as Grammarly or Hemingway, can help you identify areas in your writing where contractions may be inappropriate. Use them as a tool to help you learn how to use contractions more effectively.


Using contractions in written English can be a challenge, but with practice, you can learn to use them effectively and naturally. By listening to spoken English, practicing in your writing, and getting feedback from others, you`ll be able to improve your use of contractions and make your writing more engaging and natural-sounding.
