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  • j$k5038772j$k

    When it comes to writing, it`s important to have a good understanding of grammar rules, especially when it comes to subject-verb agreement. This rule states that the verb used in a sentence should agree with the subject, in terms of both number and person. For example, the verb “is” is used with singular nouns such as “cat” or “book,” while “are” is used with plural nouns such as “cats” or “books.” To help class 5 students develop a solid grasp of this concept, we`ve put together some exercises that they can practice.

    Exercise 1:

    Circle the correct verb in the following sentence:

    The dog (chase/chases) the cat.

    Explanation: The subject is “dog,” which is singular, so we use the verb “chases.”

    Exercise 2:

    Fill in the blank with the correct verb:

    The book (is/are) on the table.

    Explanation: The subject is “book,” which is singular, so we use the verb “is.”

    Exercise 3:

    Circle the correct verb in the following sentence:

    The children (plays/play) in the park.

    Explanation: The subject is “children,” which is plural, so we use the verb “play.”

    Exercise 4:

    Fill in the blank with the correct verb:

    My friends (likes/like) to play soccer.

    Explanation: The subject is “friends,” which is plural, so we use the verb “like.”

    Exercise 5:

    Circle the correct verb in the following sentence:

    She (read/reads) a book every day.

    Explanation: The subject is “she,” which is singular, so we use the verb “reads.”

    Exercise 6:

    Fill in the blank with the correct verb:

    The birds (fly/flies) in the sky.

    Explanation: The subject is “birds,” which is plural, so we use the verb “fly.”

    Exercise 7:

    Circle the correct verb in the following sentence:

    The student (study/studies) for exams on weekends.

    Explanation: The subject is “student,” which is singular, so we use the verb “studies.”

    By practicing these exercises regularly, class 5 students can improve their understanding of subject-verb agreement and use it correctly in their writing. Additionally, since search engines prioritize high-quality content that follows SEO principles, adhering to proper grammar rules can help their writing to rank higher in search results.

  • j$k5164235j$k

    The Construction Industry Registered Employment Agreement (CIREA) is an agreement designed to regulate employment conditions within the construction industry in Ireland. The agreement sets out minimum rates of pay, pension and sick pay entitlements, and other employment conditions for workers in the industry.

    The CIREA is a legally binding agreement between trade unions and employer representatives in the construction industry. The aim of the agreement is to ensure that workers in the industry receive fair pay and benefits, and to prevent disputes between employers and employees.

    Under the CIREA, construction workers are entitled to a minimum hourly rate of pay, which varies depending on their grade and location. In addition, workers are entitled to a range of benefits, including sick pay, pension contributions, and travel allowances.

    Employers who are party to the agreement must comply with its terms and conditions, or face penalties and legal action. The CIREA also provides for dispute resolution procedures, which aim to resolve conflicts between employers and employees in a fair and timely manner.

    The CIREA has been in operation for over 20 years, and has been successful in improving employment conditions for workers in the construction industry. However, there have been criticisms of the agreement, with some arguing that it has not gone far enough in addressing issues such as the casualisation of work in the industry.

    Despite these criticisms, the CIREA remains an important tool for regulating employment conditions in the construction industry. It provides a framework for fair pay and benefits, and ensures that disputes between employers and employees can be resolved in a fair and timely manner.

    Overall, the CIREA is an important agreement for anyone working in the construction industry in Ireland. Whether you are an employer or an employee, it is essential to understand the terms and conditions of the agreement, and to ensure that you are complying with its requirements. By doing so, you can help to ensure a fair and equitable working environment for everyone in the industry.