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Identify the Incorrect Agreement in Number


Identify the Incorrect Agreement in Number: Tips for Error-Free Writing

The subject-verb agreement plays a vital role in writing. It`s crucial to maintain consistency throughout the document while expressing ideas. Incorrect agreement in number often leads to confusion and miscommunication. The grammatical rule of Subject-Verb Agreement demands the verb to match the number of the subject in both singular and plural forms. However, it`s not always easy to keep track of grammatical errors, and identifying such errors can be challenging. In this article, we will focus on tips to identify incorrect agreement in number.

Tip 1: Identify the Subject

The first step is to identify the subject in the sentence. The subject is usually the noun or pronoun that performs the action in the sentence. For example, in the sentence, “The boy runs to the park,” the subject is “boy.”

Tip 2: Check for Singular or Plural

Once you`ve identified the subject, you need to determine if it`s singular or plural. A singular subject requires a singular verb, and a plural subject requires a plural verb. For example, “The boy runs to the park” has a singular subject and a singular verb.

Tip 3: Watch out for Tricky Plurals

Sometimes, plural nouns can be tricky. For example, “The news is depressing” seems like it should have a plural verb because “news” is plural. However, “news” is actually a singular noun that refers to a collection of information. Therefore, the correct sentence should be, “The news is depressing,” with a singular verb.

Tip 4: Look for Collective Nouns

Collective nouns refer to groups of people or things. Examples include family, team, and audience. When using collective nouns, it`s essential to consider whether the group is acting as a single entity (and therefore requires a singular verb) or multiple individuals (and therefore requires a plural verb). For example, “The team is playing well” requires a singular verb, while “The team are arguing with each other” requires a plural verb.

Tip 5: Check for Compound Subjects

Compound subjects are two or more subjects joined by the conjunction “and.” When using compound subjects, the verb should match the number of the subjects. For example, “John and Mary are going to the store” requires a plural verb because there are two subjects.

In conclusion, identifying incorrect agreement in number is essential to maintain grammatical accuracy in writing. By following these tips, you can ensure that your writing is free from errors and communicates your ideas clearly and effectively. Remember to always check for subject-verb agreement in your writing, and double-check tricky plurals, collective nouns, and compound subjects. Happy writing!
