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定休日 月曜日、第1・3週月・火曜日連休
TEL  027-322-1892


  • j$k5415161j$k

    The Law of Ukraine on Collective Agreements is an important legal framework that governs the collective bargaining process between employers and employees in Ukraine. It provides a set of guidelines and regulations to ensure that the rights and interests of both parties are protected during the negotiation process.

    The law defines a collective agreement as a written agreement between an employer or an organization of employers and a trade union or an organization of employees. It covers all aspects of the employment relationship, including wages, working conditions, hours of work, and social benefits.

    The goal of the law is to promote fair and equitable treatment for both employers and employees in the collective bargaining process. It establishes a framework for negotiations that ensures that both parties have equal bargaining power and that the agreement reached is fair and equitable.

    One of the key provisions of the law is the requirement for both parties to negotiate in good faith. This means that both the employer and the employees` organization must sincerely attempt to reach an agreement that is fair and equitable. They must be willing to compromise and reach a mutually beneficial agreement.

    The law also provides for the establishment of collective bargaining units. These units are made up of employees who are represented by a trade union or an organization of employees. The collective bargaining unit has the right to bargain collectively with the employer on behalf of its members.

    The law also establishes procedures for the negotiation and ratification of a collective agreement. Both the employer and the trade union or the organization of employees must agree to the terms of the agreement. Once an agreement has been reached, it must be ratified by both parties and submitted to the relevant authorities for approval.

    In conclusion, the Law of Ukraine on Collective Agreements is an essential legal framework that governs the collective bargaining process between employers and employees in Ukraine. Its goal is to promote fair and equitable treatment for both parties and to ensure that the agreement reached is fair and equitable. As such, it is essential for both employers and employees to understand its provisions and abide by its requirements in the process of collective bargaining.